Food Chain

Food security with food chain sustainability is a fine balance every community needs to find. What are the practices that can bring cohesiveness and bridge the gaps between farms to table, let's explore and plan.

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सकलड़ीहा विधानसभा क्षेत्र में बाढ़ पीड़ितों को प्रदान की गई राहत सामग्री
सकलड़ीहा विधानसभा क्षेत्र में बाढ़ पीड़ितों को प्रदान की गई राहत सामग्री

सकलड़ीहा विधानसभा क्षेत्र में बाढ़ की विभीषिका को देखते हुए भाजपा कार्यकर्ता क्षेत्र के विभिन्न हिस्सों में गए और पीड़ितों को राहत शिविर का सामान वितरित किया। इस दौरान उन्होंने पीड़ितों से चर्चा करते हुए उनकी समस्याएँ जानी और उनके निदान का भरोसा भी दिलाया। इस मौके पर विशेष रूप से ग्राम सभा मे जिलाधिकारी चन्दौली संजीव सिंह, उपजिलाधिकारी सकलडीहा अजय मिश्रा, पूर्व जिलाध्यक्ष सर्वेश कुशवाहा, सकलडीहा विधानसभा के पूर्व प्रत्याशी सूर्यमुनि तिवारी, डा० के०एन० पाण्डेय सहित अन्य कार्यकर्ता गण मौजूद रहे।  बिहा Read more...

भारत का किसान आन्दोलन – जानने योग्य बातें.
भारत का किसान आन्दोलन – जानने योग्य बातें.

अन्नदाता – जय जवान जय किसान में परिपेक्ष्य का संघर्षजहाँ आंदोलित किसान खुद को अन्नदाता घोषित करता है, कई बार भगवान जैसे शब्द भी सुनने को मिलते हैं, और गूगल से रोटी डाउनलोड नहीं होती का दावा करता है.वहीँ जवान इकॉनमी से जुड़ा ख़रीदार वर्ग गूगल प्ले स्टोर के एप्प पर बटन क्लिक द्वारा रोटी आर्डर कर लेता है, यानि डाउनलोड कर लेता है. ख़रीदार और किसान के बीच में एक लम्बी कड़ी है.1. रोटी डाउनलोड वाला एप्प, किचन/रसोई.2. उसके पीछे बैठे सुपर मार्किट या ताऊ की किराना दुकान, 3. उसके पीछे बैठा होल सेल का आटा सप्ला Read more...

सरकार को करना होगा किसानों की समस्या का सही समाधान - राधा बिहारी ओझा
सरकार को करना होगा किसानों की समस्या का सही समाधान - राधा बिहारी ओझा

सरकार को करना यह चाहिए कि किसानों द्वारा उपजाई जाने वाली प्रत्येक फसल (अनाज, फल, सब्जी, मसाला आदि सब कुछ) के लिए न्यूनतम मूल्य निर्धारित करें और यह सुनिश्चित करे कि निर्धारित न्यूनतम मूल्य से कम कीमत पर कोई भी उनकी उपज की खरीद नहीं कर सके. सरकार किसानों को फसलों को उपजाने के बिन्दु पर सलाह अवश्य दे, लेकिन जो उपजे, उसकी शत प्रतिशत न्यूनतम मूल्य पर खरीद सुनिश्चित अवश्य करें.उसके बाद व्यापारी वर्ग अपना उचित मुनाफा लेकर व्यापार करे. कृषि क्षेत्र में कार्पोरेट क्षेत्र भी आए, लेकिन इसी शर्त पर कि किसा Read more...

Real food vs Processed Food.
Real food vs Processed Food.

The food classes we should look and explore on are.1. Mechanically processed. - Mechanically processed food tend to be minimally processed examples are - India Wheat flour, rice, daal, kidney beans, chole and other traditionally processed food. These are good for health if done right.2. Chemically Processed. -  Deconstructed food, where food is broken and then reconstituted examples are - Carbonated drinks, Chips, Processed Cookies, Food made of concentrates. The whole idea behind this form is t Read more...

Packed or processed food can harm your body beyond your imagination, Eat At Your Own RiskThe trap of processed food. - Processed food apart from treme
Packed or processed food can harm your body beyond your imagination, Eat At Your Own RiskThe trap of processed food. - Processed food apart from treme

Packed or processed food can harm your body beyond your imagination, Eat At Your Own RiskThe trap of processed food. - Processed food apart from tremendous money on advertisements- linking them to high life and prosperity, have below is common to trap an unsuspecting customer.1. Sugar cubes, High Fructose Corn Syrup. - Always yummy but well known that - sugar, when consumed in excess, is seriously harmful.As we all know, sugar is “empty” calories – it has no essential nutrients, but a large amou Read more...

CSE’s new study points to presence of possible cancer-causing chemical in bread What’s in our bread?Bread industry uses potassium bromate and potassiu
CSE’s new study points to presence of possible cancer-causing chemical in bread What’s in our bread?Bread industry uses potassium bromate and potassiu

CSE’s new study points to presence of possible cancer-causing chemical in bread What’s in our bread?Bread industry uses potassium bromate and potassium iodate, substances that are banned in many countries, but not in India; Indian regulators must act immediately and ban them.CSE’s  new study tests bread sold in Delhi. Finds residues of potassium bromate/iodate in commonly consumed varieties Use of potassium bromate – classified as a category 2B carcinogen (possibly carcinogenic to humans) – is Read more...

Sustainable intensive farming to alleviate poverty?
Sustainable intensive farming to alleviate poverty?

Although intensive farming can do a lot to alleviate poverty in India, it does have its weaknesses. Many national and international thought leaders feel that industrial farming can do more harm than good, especially when it’s about GMO farming. Genetically modified farming is a big blot on the advancements made in agriculture today. GMO food, especially for consuming, should be totally banned, much like Monsanto is all over the world. Although oligarchies all over the world are pushing for the Read more...

Agrihoods- The bridges between farms to table.
Agrihoods- The bridges between farms to table.

Agrihoods Are you hungry for fresh food, and are you in the know that the food that comes to your table is actually poison, and more so for a longer period of time? Is the health of your family giving you anxious jitters and worries, and are you done with the way your greens reach your table? Fret not; let’s look at how farming is changing the plush neighborhoods all over America, and yours could be next. An Agri-hood is the newest buzzword in gated communities all over the world. The latest t Read more...

Monoculture truly is sustainable agriculture?
Monoculture truly is sustainable agriculture?

Monoculture What truly is sustainable agriculture? To be able to address agriculture in all its entirety, we have to take into consideration the exact and precise definitions of sustainable agriculture. Sustainable agriculture uses natural, organic and nonchemical practices such as crop rotation and crop diversity to add essential elements to the soil, encourage good bacteria in the soil, and ensure that animals eat their natural diets and display natural behaviors. It also creates a closed Read more...

Sustainable farming solutions
Sustainable farming solutions

Farming has a very important role to play in all our lives. Not only does it provide the main diet in all our lives, it’s actually tied up to the environment and several factors that are directly relevant in our lives. The weather, the climate, our healthy etc, everything depends directly or indirectly on the way farmers carry about their business. In India, it is such a shame that most of our agriculturists end up killing themselves due to drastic changes in the weather. We must all strive to Read more...

Newspaper portrayal of WTO Bali Talks and Food Security: A Content Analysis Study of Two Newspapers
Newspaper portrayal of WTO Bali Talks and Food Security: A Content Analysis Study of Two Newspapers

The Food Security Act in India became a law in September 2013 and aims to provide subsidized foodgrains to the country (The Times of India, online). Under the provisions of the Bill, beneficiaries are to be able to purchase cereals at the following prices:·         Rice at Rs. 3 per Kg and·         Wheat at Rs.2 per Kg·         Coarse cereals at Re.1 per KgThe intent of the Food Security Act arose out of the Right to Food programme by the Standing Committee on Food, Consumer Affairs and Public D Read more...

तो किसके लिए था यह एग्रोटेक मेला?
तो किसके लिए था यह एग्रोटेक मेला?

किसान नहीं कंपनियों के हित साधें सीआईआई एग्रोटैक फेयर में बस देख सकते हैं खरीद नहीं 70 हजार रूपए कीमत की चारा काटने की मशीन जिसे किसान बस निहारते रहे। उनका कहना है कि इस मशीन को खरीदना उनके बस की बात ही नहीं है। गुरदासपुर के किसान सुखबीर व इंद्रप्रीत ने बताया कि बड़े डेयरी फार्म के लिए है उपयोगी है यह मशनी तो। इनके एजेंडे में किसान नहीं था, थे तो ट्रैक्टर और अन्य उत्पाद बनाने वाली कंपनियां सेक्टर 17 स्थित परेड ग्राउंड में आयोजित सीआईआई एग्रोटैक फेयर मेला किसके लिए था? सवाल लाजिमी है। क्योंकि मेला Read more...

Industrial Food Processing – American experience and lessons for India
Industrial Food Processing – American experience and lessons for India

Abstract - Innovations are born out of a necessity. So by definition, they are mostly good in intentions or at worst - part of the numerous experiments, trying to find the best way to solve a specific problem often with limited visibility of future. What defines if they were good or bad or had shades of gray, is the hindsight - what kind of economic incentives it planted? How did society respond to them? And the whole domino effect it created, which has the power to change the destiny of society Read more...

What's in my plate? Food and Nutrition security in India
What's in my plate? Food and Nutrition security in India

The food habits of Indians are in question today. The accelerated growth in the past two decades has changed the consumption pattern of the Indians. Notwithstanding- there are differences in the Urban &  rural patterns. There are improvements on Quantitative & qualitative terms and a gradual reduction in nutritional deficiencies. It also brings about changes in the production, processing, distribution and marketing of food. Diets evolve over time and are influenced by factors such as inc Read more...

Sustainable Agriculture - The core tenets.
Sustainable Agriculture - The core tenets.

Sustainable agriculture Why aren’t people doing farming and laying stress on agriculture in our civilizations? Agriculture needs a vast amount of knowledge and practical application to be sustainable for a long period of time. We look at our farmers and they are at the bottom of the pyramid of our social structure, but that shouldn’t be the case. We should enthuse new founded enthusiasm and resources our money and hard work into these issues of the earth because farming has a direct impact on th Read more...

सरकार की गलत नीति और महंगाई की मार झेलते किसानों के लिए खेती करना मुश्किल, चारा आत्महत्या – आकड़ें, रिपोर्ट और विश्लेषण
सरकार की गलत नीति और महंगाई की मार झेलते किसानों के लिए खेती करना मुश्किल, चारा आत्महत्या – आकड़ें, रिपोर्ट और विश्लेषण

भारत के पूर्व प्रधानमंत्री लाल बहादुर शास्त्री ने एक समय नारा दिया था ‘जय जवान, जय किसान’ का. मगर आज इन दोनों की स्थिति महज वोट बैंक पॉलिटिक्स भर के लिए रह गई है. शरहद पर एक तरफ जवान मर रहा है तो खेत में किसान. इनका सुध लेने वाला कोई नहीं. चुनाव के दौरान यह मुद्दों के केंद्र में होते हैं मगर चुनाव होते ही इनका हाल 500 और 1000 वाले पुराने नोटों की तरह हो जाता है. इनके बारे में कहा तो जाता है मगर इनके लिए कुछ किया नहीं जाता. देश के अन्नदाता किसान आज दो जून खाने को तरसे इससे शर्मसार बात क्या होगी. Read more...

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